What does it mean to be human? Much of the public debate in politics and other areas of life seem to cover the same narrow range of views about how we run a modern, prosperous western country like 21st century Britain. Too often it seems that human beings are reduced to the status of consumers, or economic units in an impersonalized world. People are increasingly defined by what they earn, what they consume and what economic value – or burden – they are to society. Inequalities of wealth and income are increasing here and over the world, as capital flows freely and the free movement of people is increasingly confined to “the skilled”.
I want to use this blog to explore the underlying values behind this world view – and to challenge them. We need to reconsider some very basic assumptions about the way we view each other – or at least encouraged to do so.
My posts will be a mixture of serious and less so, some just downright silly, for fun. Life’s too short to be serious all the time.
My immediately next post is a spoof news item from 2019, reviewing four years of achievements of the Cameron Government. I wrote it as self-therapy two days after the election result was known. I hope it will bring some wry amusement.
Planned future posts include a look at the most basic elements of being human, a critique on free market economics, education, religion and humanism. Some views will no doubt be controversial, others perhaps more universally understood.
The bare bones only of this site exist so far: a short page about the site and the Rightspeak Dictionary – check it out! – which I hope will amuse and prompt lots of suggestions for additional words and definitions.
My thanks, dear reader, for getting this far. I will aim to make this blog a meandering journey around 21st century Britain. I plan to have some fun doing it – I hope you will come along and enjoy the ride!