Has the UK entered the final death spiral of some ironic self-referential spin into a black hole of incompetence? Quite possibly. I had never thought it logically possible to include the words “intelligence” and “Chris Grayling” in the same sentence. But the gods of surrealism have now made it possible.
Chris Grayling has been nominated by the UK government to be Chair of the parliamentary Subcommittee on Intelligence and Security.
There. I’ve typed those actual words.
There’s stupid. And then there’s Chris Grayling. There’s incompetent. And then there’s Chris Grayling. There’s failing. And then… you know the rest.

The media is awash with lists of the man’s failures. The Daily Mirror found eighteen. Perhaps the most notorious are:
- The disastrous part-privatisation of the probation service, now recently reversed;
- The contract with the ferry company with no ferries;
- The unlawful ban on prisoners receiving books from their visitors;
- The nightmarish new timetable for Thameslink and Northern Rail.
You can read the full list at the link above.
In 1967, the Hollies released a single “King Midas in Reverse”.
Could’ve been written for Grayling.
Taking the Piss
The report into alleged Russian government interference in UK politics was presented to the Intelligence and Security Subcommittee last autumn. Its publication was delayed on the pretext of the upcoming election. Johnson then delayed the Tory nominations to the Committee for over six months. And then, in an act of breathtaking surrealism, the government has nominated as Chair one Chris Grayling, serial failure.
To which there is really only one response. You’re totally taking the piss, Prime Minister.
Cherry on the Cake

Another Tory nomination to the Committee runs Grayling a close second in uselessness and incompetence: Theresa Villiers. Quite posh too, it seems.
Here’s a few highlights of her incompetence:
- When Northern Ireland Secretary, talking bollocks over the impact of the UK leaving the UK in its effect on the border between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic
- Talking bollocks to farmers on food standards
- Upsetting both unionists and nationalists when Northern Ireland Secretary
So, expect the best possible scrutiny of the Russia Report when it makes the light of day – not.
My advice: buy shares in the manufacturers of carpet sweepers= the types that sweep under carpets.