Exclusive to Human Eyes!
I can now reveal the eight records Theresa May has chosen for her appearance on Desert Island Discs. They are:
Should I Stay or Should I Go? – Clash
Go Now – Moody Blues
Sling Your Hook – Jez and Labour
Our Day Has Come (original 1688 mix) – DUPey and the Rome-antis
No Woman No Rights – Bob M’arlene and the Wailers
Unsteady As She Goes – The Saboteurs
Is There Anybody Out There? – Barnier and Juncker
Give Jez a Chance – John and Yo-go
(May was forced into a U-turn on one of her choices when the BBC Record Archive could find no trace of The Laughing Policeman.)
Book chosen to take to a desert island: The Desert of Wheat by Zane Grey, “to bring back those happy memories”.
Luxury item to take: a spade, to bury all her hopes and dreams, and ours, too.